Our Field Trip to the State Fair is Monday, September 30th. Please arrive at school by 7:15 A.M. We plan on leaving by 7:30. We should arrive back to school by 5:00 P.M. On a positive note, there will be NO homework. I still have a few students that have not paid or turned in their permission slip. If this is you, please turn it in as soon as possible. Students are going to receive their yellow Holy Cross field trip tee-shirts this week. Students need to wear them on Monday– it makes them easier to keep up with in the crowd. A Holy Cross fleece or sweatshirt may be needed. Students may wear jeans or khakis for pants or shorts. Wear comfortable shoes! Pack breakfast foods and/or a snack and drink for the ride to Richmond. If the students want, they may bring cameras, sunglasses, and/or hats. They will be responsible for any of these items that they bring. You may want to bring an empty cinch bag (backpack) into the fair to put things in as we collect things throughout the day. You may also want to pack a snack in it if you want to save money at the fair. We will be eating lunch at the fair, so plan to bring additional money for lunch and snacks, maybe around $15.00. Because of safety and insurance concerns, no Holy Cross students will be allowed to get on any rides! Students will be allowed to bring books, games, electronic devices, etc. for the trip as long as they have HEADPHONES. Students will be responsible for their own possessions on the trip. Our class will plan to stay together for the educational tour during the morning, and we will then separate into groups to pursue individual interests throughout the afternoon. The chaperone per group will then be responsible for the students in each group. We will be leaving the fair around 2:30 p.m. and returning to school close to 5:00 p.m. Please be at school around 5:00 P.M. For information on the State Fair go to www.statefairva.org Friday is green and white day! Wear as much green and white as you can to show your support for Holy Cross! We will have a Pep Rally at 2:15 in the gym. Religion: We are still learning and studying the Ten Commandments. A test on Chapter 4 will be on Friday. We start Science on Monday. Our first Science chapter is about matter. Reading: We will be working on Text Features in Nonfiction books. Vocabulary: We start Unit 3 on Monday. We will not have a test this week. It will be Friday, October 4th. Students can practice on www.vocabularyworkshop.com. We are finishing English Chapter 4, Predicates. We are having a quiz on Tuesday and then we will Chapter 5, Simple and Compound Sentences. We have a college student from Liberty University who is studying education visiting our classroom once a week. After being with us for a few weeks, she will teach a Math lesson to the students. We look forward to having her work with us and seeing our great Holy Cross students in action. Sign your child’s graded papers and return them in the green folder. I will keep these papers and collectively return them after our first report card. If you have any questions, please let me know. Many Blessings, Mrs. Rony Mrsronysclassroom.com
Weekly Notes from 4th Grade
I am excited about having the students use Chromebooks in the classroom, and I think the students are too. We used them every day this week. We used them for English lessons in Nearpod and getting our Google Classrooms set up. I think we are on the roll.
We are progressing along in our subject areas.
Religion, we will have our Religion test this week. For our first Religion test, I allowed the students to use their books. I want them to see what the Religion test looks like so they will be prepared for upcoming Religion tests.
Vocabulary test will be this Friday.
Students need to log into Quizet.com and create a userid and password. Please make sure that you child knows his or her account, userid, and password, so when they come to class, they can log into Quizlet.com.
You may join my Quizlet Classroom by going to this link:
Reading, last week, we read a story and determined the problem, the actions, and then the solution. Students are doing nicely following this flow. Friday, September 13th, we will be celebrating our Summer Reading with Mrs. Main.
A few students did not complete homework or forgot to bring completed homework back to school. This past week was their grace week. Starting on Tuesday, if students do not bring homework back to school or homework is not complete, I will send an email to document missing work.
Green folders came home this past Friday. I stapled all of their work together. Please review your child’s work, sign it, and return it in the green folder. I will keep the papers for the nine weeks and then return them after report cards go out. Thanks! I know this is a little different from previous years.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Rony
Welcome to a new school year and to the fourth grade! I am so pleased to have your child in class this year. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child’s teacher and have this opportunity with you. I will do my best to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in this classroom. I have spent time making our room a comfortable and welcoming place that will facilitate a safe, secure feeling to ensure academic success. However, I cannot do this alone so I am asking for your help and participation in supporting a partnership in this learning process. It will be a challenging and exciting year and you can help your child succeed by encouraging him/her at home; helping to ensure that they have completed their homework assignments, done their reading, and occasionally help them study for quizzes and test when necessary.
Open communication is probably the most important component I can ask you to participate in. I will give you advanced notice of test or project due dates and of events occurring in the classroom. Most communication will be via email which works best for me. If this will not suit, please contact me so we can work on other alternatives. I check email everyday, usually multiple times. My other contact information will be distributed at Elementary Parent Night.
Please try to attend Parent Night, Thursday, August 15th, as we will be discussing classroom policy, absences, class rules and behavioral expectations, conferences, homework policy, holidays, and field trips. We will also begin discussing curriculum for the year. If you cannot be in attendance, please let me know so I can get information to you or meet with you at a more suitable time.
Conferences… Anytime! Please do not wait for official conference times to schedule a meeting with me. If your child is experiencing difficulty or you have any type of concern, please let me know as soon as possible. I can be available before, during (as the student’s schedule allows), or after school.
Many Blessings,
Pat Rony