Weekly Notes from 4th Grade
Spelling: We will have a spelling test on Tuesday for the words from this past week.
The Reading Verification Log is due tomorrow. Please have your child read 5 out of 7 days for 15 minutes per day. After completing the log, a parent and student needs to sign. Also, sign your child’s, graded papers and return them in the green folder. I will keep these papers and collectively return them after our first report card.
Most of you have joined my Quizlet Class of 2027. I only need two more students to join for this task to be complete. Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. Quizlet is a great tool to help them learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
I am scheduling out first Field Trip. We are going to the Virginia State Fair on Monday, October 1st. The cost of the field trip will be $5.00 for students and $12.00 for parents. If you would like to attend, please let me know. More information will be coming to you. Permission slips will be in Green Folders on Friday. The permission slip will be printed on blue paper. Please sign and return the permission with the field trip money.
Our second Field Trip will be on Friday, October 19th. We will be going to Natural Bridge. More information will come.
English: We have completed the chapter on complete subject and simple subjects. This week, we are working on complete predicate and simple predicates. We will have a quiz on Thursday.
Social Studies: We started Chapter 2 last week. We are learning about Virginia. On Monday, students will complete their first lesson review on Google Classroom. They will need to complete five questions. Four of the questions students will practice their TTQA skills.
Math: We finished Section (Chapter) 1 last week. We will start Section (Chapter) 2 this week. This week’s skills are number lines, missing addends with addition, missing numbers in subtraction, adding 3-digit numbers, and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Friday, September 14: Feast of the Holy Cross Mass at 10:15. Please come and join our Mass celebration.
Thanks for sending me your wonderful students.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Rony